Managing the COVID-19 Situation

Posted Mar 26, 2020 by Clinic Beat

What are we doing?

As the COVID-19 situation evolves, our main focus at Spectrum Health is always to ensure our ongoing patient care. Accordingly, we are closely following advice from Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA), Queensland Health and the Australian Department of Health in relation to management and containment. Beyond our normal procedures, we are following the Dept of Health’s “Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19” so as to minimise the risk of infection. We are also observing and enforcing strict social distancing regimes for patients in our clinic.

What can you do?

There are some simple things we can all do to help prevent the infection from spreading:

  1. Clean your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitisers;
  2. When coughing or sneezing use a tissue or cover your nose and mouth with a bent elbow;
  3. Avoid touching your face, nose and mouth;
  4. Avoid shaking hands;
  5. Stay home unless you have a specific reason;
  6. Keep at least 1.5m away from others when out in public.
  7. We also suggest taking natural auto-immunity enhancing medications

If you have a cough or sign of fever or infection, please call our friendly reception team before making an appointment.

If you are not sure if you should keep your appointment, you can take Qld Healthʼs Novel Coronavirus Quiz which is available at the following link: Qld Healthʼs Novel Coronavirus Quiz

Useful Links

Qld Healthʼs Novel Coronavirus Quiz

Qld Health’s Coronavirus Information

To register for self-quarantine or support – call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)

Australian Governmentʼs National Coronavirus Helpline – call 1800 020 080

For assistance with organising the delivery of groceries, access to educational materials, replacement of medications etc – call the Australian Red Cross on 1800 RED CROSS (1800 733 276)

Spectrum Health will continue to monitor advice from ANTA, Department of Health and Qld Health, and will keep you informed of any developments or changes. 

If you have any questions, please donʼt hesitate to contact us.

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Call us now to make your appointment with one of our highly trained practitioners.


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