About Us

Our highly trained practitioners have expertise in treating a wide range of conditions

About Spectrum Health

Spectrum Health is a well established chiropractic and natural therapies practice located at Woody Point, on the Redcliffe Peninsula. Our Woody Point chiropractors have over 70 years combined experience in the treatment of back pain, neck pain and other conditions that are proven to respond to chiropractic treatment.

We are dedicated to helping all our patients to live pain-free and with optimum health, using only safe and effective natural therapies.

Our principal chiropractor, Dr John Hitzke, has over 50 years of experience in chiropractic practice. He is also a fully qualified Naturopath and Acupuncturist enabling him to treat patients for a wide range of health conditions.

Our Redcliffe practice services a wide area surrounding Redcliffe including Mango Hill, Caboolture, Brighton, Shorncliffe, Woody Point, and other bayside suburbs.



Would you like to book an appointment with us?

Call us now to make your appointment with one of our highly trained practitioners.

What We Do

Our highly trained practitioners have expertise in treating a wide range of conditions

Chiropractic Care

At Spectrum Health Care we provide advanced spinal correction techniques, by combining “state of the art” chiropractic methods ...


What is naturopathic medicine? Naturopathy is based on the belief that the body has the ability to heal ...

Our highly trained practitioners have expertise in treating a wide range of conditions

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